Terms of Use

1. Maintenance of the Website

The manager of the present Arnheim Shop website is the Service Provider, who provides the services specified in the Contractual Terms and Conditions.

The Services are provided by General Digital Pte. Ltd. ("Service Provider"), REG#: 201230213Z, GST#: 201230213Z.

Service Provider is a business company registered in Singapore.

2. Person of the User

User is the person (natural person or even organization), who uses the services of the website www.arnheim.org

3. Effect and modification of the Terms and Conditions of this Contract

The effect of these Terms covers the services provided by Service Provider specified on website www.arnheim.org (hereinafter: "Website") and his data management. Service Provider reserves the right of modification of the Terms.

4. Authoritative law and jurisdiction

Service Provider is a business company registered in Singapore, who performs its activity first of all under the effect of the legal rules in force in Singapore. If Service Provider's activity - including advertising activities - is directed over Singapore's borders, the law and jurisdiction of the target country will apply with the condition that if the application of any law can be stipulated, the Service Provider stipulates the application of the Singapore law and jurisdiction. For the case if the stipulation of a jurisdiction is admitted, Service Provider stipulates the jurisdiction of the Singapore authorities and courts.

5. Detailed description of the service providing

The www.arnheim.org site is an online shop, which deals with the sale of electronic digital safe and humidor. Anyone can view and purchase the products that are available on the www.arnheim.org site.

6. Data Management

Service Provider manages personal data.

The title of data management is the voluntary consent given by the holder of data. By means of the use of the Website and the purchase the users accept these Terms and expressly consent to the fact that their specified data be managed in accordance with the present Terms

This Regulation is considered to be information of the data subject.

Service Provider manages exclusively the personal data specified by the users and the data occurred in the course of users’ activity in connection with the Website.

The Service Provider manages all personal data with the objective of developing the services of the Website and to provide such services. Service Provider does not manage data, the management of which is not necessary for the attainment of the purposes.

Service Provider is entitled to use the address specified by users (e-mail address, postal address, phone number, other identification data for contact) for the purpose of sending him newsletter of advertising letter in connection with the Service Provider, the activity of Service Provider, the products distributed or sold by Service Provider or the services provided by him.

Service Provider erases the data received in following cases:

  1. the data management is against the law, or a legal rule orders cancellation;
  2. if requested by user;
  3. the data are deficient or erroneous, which makes use impossible;
  4. the purpose of data managements ceases;
  5. if ordered by an authority or the court.

The Users are entitled to correct their data or to ask for correction of erroneous, by him not correctable data from Service Provider. The user can ask for information about the management of its data.

Service Provider provides for the security of the data. For that purpose he takes all necessary technical and organizational measures for both data stored by electronic means and data files stored on traditional paper data carrier. Service Provider shall provide for the enforcement of the data security rules prescribed in the relevant legal rules. Service Provider shall provide for data security, takes the necessary technical and organizational measures and formulates all the procedural rules that are necessary for the enforcement of the authoritative legal rules, the data protection and the official secrecy regulations.

Service Provider reserves the right to place a cookie (data file) on user's machine.

7. Access to database

The Service Provider transfer the data to third parties, if the User has contributed to or the law allows it. Service Provider reserves the right to use a data processor for each technical operations.

8. Restrictions related to use of Service, the user’s responsibility

User may use the Website at its own risk only. The Service Provider shall not take the responsibility for damages, inconveniences suffered by the user when using the site that were caused by the user’s negligence.

Using the site the user shall be bound to act fairly, with keeping others’ rights and interests in view.

User shall be bound to observe operative legal regulations and on using the service to beware of any activity being illegal or violating other persons’ interests. In this connection the user shall especially be bound:

All user shall be bound to beware of any activity that prevents normal use of the site. User shall especially be bound:

All Users shall be bound to beware of any activity that hurts the Service Provider’s interests. User shall especially be bound:

On using the site users may make other legal entities’ data public, available for others only with consent of the person concerned. No approval is necessary in respect of data that are public or free for release under legal regulation.

9. Service Provider’s responsibility

Service Provider shall take all measures that can be expected for purpose of smooth and continuous operation of service. The Service Provider shall make efforts to eliminate possible defects, problems occurring during operation of the site. The Service Provider shall not be liable either for failure or for standstill taken place for reasons beyond its sphere of interest and control

10. Due process

Users may forward their complaints, objections directly to the Service Provider that shall do its utmost to stop and remedy possible infringements. Service Provider shall examine the complaints submitted and shall inform the User about its standpoint and measures taken.

The User shall be entitled to submit its lawful claim to the authority or court under the governing law.